
The Pincode of Malahka(70) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Padheni (78) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Uton (33) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Chundhika(39) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Khori Kalan(37) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Rathiwas (34) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Rathiwas(140) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Sarai(11) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Sunthaka(26) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Bhango(16) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Dadu(10) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Dalawas(77) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Dhulawat, Ghusbaithi , Kirnari, Bhootlaka, Pipaka,
Patooka, Mandola is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Noorpur(97) is "122105 " 2023.
The Pincode of Raniaki(50) is "122105 " 2023.
Mitchell Starc: The Australian Fast Bowling Ace